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Galway City Parking

Galway City Parking

This tool helps residents and visitors of Galway, Ireland to find parking lots available. It is possible to view the map and track free spots in real time.


Galway City Parking is designed to facilitate parking for residents and visitors of Galway, Ireland. This Android application provides real-time information about spot availability.

Interface and map

A concise interface makes navigation simple. You may easily access different sections, including finding available spaces, making payments, and viewing your parking history.

Users can find out which parking spaces are available in various locations throughout the city. It helps them save time when searching for a spot. There is an interactive map with detailed information in a separate tab.

Payments and history

In addition, the app allows users to pay for parking via their smartphones. This eliminates the need for physical coins or cards. It is possible to select desired duration and complete the transaction within the utility.

To help users manage their parking sessions, this app sends notifications when their time is about to expire. This feature is helpful for those who may forget to check their meter. It is possible to extend the session if needed without returning to the vehicle.

Another distinctive feature is the ability to view past parking sessions. It is possible to track history, which can be useful for budgeting or managing expenses.


  • is intended for residents and visitors of Galway, Ireland;
  • it is possible to view an interactive map and find parking spots, similar to YourParkingSpace;
  • users can manage and enhance their sessions;
  • the app is free to download and use;
  • compatible with current Android versions.
Size: 25 Mb
OS version: Android 12
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