저희에 대해서

IOdroid.net is a multilingual catalog of applications and games for Android. All publications are accompanied by reviews from our dedicated staff writers. As supplementary materials, we provide links to official sources, downloadable APK files, and product specifications.

There are various categories, thematic collections, and a convenient search engine for easy navigation on IOdroid.net. You are also welcome to share your opinion about the apps in the comments. However, insulting and inappropriate messages are subject to removal.

It is strongly recommended to familiarize yourself with the privacy policy before starting to use the website. This will help you understand the kind of data that might be collected and utilized. We sincerely hope that this will make you feel more comfortable on our portal.

Screenshots of each app’s UI are captured during testing and, less often, are drawn from official sources. The reviews are also subjective, although the writers strive to treat them without any bias. Moreover, certain facts and descriptions of functions may not correspond to reality due to newer versions being released or due to the writer’s insufficient awareness of the subject.

We do not modify nor edit any APK files. Only original distributives are submitted to our server. Herewith, intellectual property rights entirely remain under the developers’ ownership. Therefore, if you are a creator of an application and you would like to remove it from our catalog, please use our feedback form.

In addition, we are constantly working to improve our platform based on your feedback, so do not hesitate to let us know your suggestions. Your trust is of utmost importance to us and we are committed to providing a reliable and user-friendly experience.

We would like to point out to our visitors that you are downloading files at your own risk. In spite of testing and antivirus checking, we cannot guarantee complete safety in every possible scenario.

Kindly refer to the source when taking any materials from the IOdroid.net portal.

IOdroid.net Team

Our mission is to provide users with handy and relevant information about the apps that make your life easier.

IOdroid.net editors adhere to the policy of openness. Therefore we would be glad to introduce our team to visitors of the website.

Radu is an editor-in-chief

Radu is our well experienced editor-in-chief who is responsible for workflow management. His knowledge in the field of mobile apps and passion for technologies help us in providing detailed reviews on various utilities and high quality testing as well.

In his spare time Radu loves studying the latest technological changes and experimenting with Android apps developed by himself.


Maksim is a designer and a layout designer as well

Maksim is responsible for IOdroid interface. He is constantly working on the design to make it even more attractive and convenient in terms of appearance. Thanks to Maxim, our website is user friendly and has simple yet advanced navigation.

Maxim is a music lover, he can play the guitar. According to his words, this activity helps him develop on a creative level.


Michaela is a copywriter

Michaela creates reviews on apps and keeps a general database of the catalog in proper form. Her great passion for verbal art and literature is a key reason why she is capable of turning an ordinary description into a fascinating story. Besides, Michaela is an expert when it comes to testing apps technical features.

Michaela loves walking and reading outdoors. However, she is not much interested in long trips.


Ion is a copywriter

Ion writes texts on our website as well. Not only reviews on apps lie on his shoulders, but he is also responsible for creating content plans which are approved by the editor. Although he preferred texts to programming, Ion has a technical mindset once he starts working.

Ion is somewhat opposite to Michaela as he enjoys an active lifestyle. That is why they perfectly complete each other.


Petru is a SEO specialist

Petru is our search engine optimization expert. With many years of experience in improving overall visibility and ratings of our reviews in search engines, Petru plays a major role in the success of our website. His deep knowledge in the sphere of SEO strategies and analytics help us achieve high ranking in search results, thus making our content available to a larger audience.

In his spare time he goes into the world of photography, looking for new corners of nature and parts of the culture. This hobby helps him stay focused and get inspiration for making new SEO decisions.


Leah is a content manager and SMM specialist

Leah is our multilateral specialist, responsible for graphical content and social media. She is an expert when it comes to working with various editing apps. Moreover, Leah has a rich experience in managing and promoting content. Her main goal is to make visual content easy to access and interesting to use for our audience.

As to hobbies, she is mostly attentive to developing creative skills. This excitement is contributed by traveling and painting. Thanks to creative approach, she usually comes up with unique and interesting content. With Leah on the board, we are sure our website is always going to be relevant and attractive to our readers.


If you have personal questions to one of our specialists, you can contact them through above mentioned email addresses. In case you would like to cooperate, send a complaint or ask general questions, there is our main email address you may find on the page Contacts.
