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This application is a unique social network. The platform has a zero-tolerance policy towards bot accounts, trolls, abuse, promoted content and disinformation.


CounterSocial is an Android application that provides access to an exceptional ADs-free social network. There are no bots, trolls, harassment, promoted content and fake news.


In order to get started, you need to create a profile first. You will have to verify your email address.

It is worth noting that the utility is not accessible to users from several countries. These include Iran, North Korea, Syria, China, Russia and Pakistan.


The application is a social network with unique features. Unlike similar platforms, it has a zero-tolerance policy towards bot accounts, trolls, harassment, promoted content and disinformation.

There are several tabs to visit. The first one allows you to post texts of up to 500 characters with uploaded GIFs, photos and videos. Uploaded pictures may show up sideways, because the app wipes all personal metadata.

The Community firehose tab shows the latest posts in chronological order, like Meta’s Facebook did at one time. In addition, you can build your own hashtag feeds and pin as many to your wall as you like. There are friends and notifications tabs as well.

CounterSocial is completely free to use. If you want to keep it that way, you can make a one-time donation or pay monthly for a subscription.


  • is a unique free social network;
  • offers a premium with additional options;
  • there are no bots, trolls and fake news;
  • app is free to download and use;
  • compatible with current Android versions.
Загрузок: 5
Размер: 2,3 Mb
Версия ОС: Android 4.1
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