Fake Payment is a convenient application for Android that helps users to learn how to manage their finances properly. It is possible to simulate payments and practice to complete transactions without mistakes.
It is a helpful simulator for those who have never used banking apps or payment networks. There is an option to complete an unlimited number of fake transactions without spending money at all. It is possible to type a card number, set the amount and save the receipt.
Users can just see how to enter information properly when transfering funds or paying for services. It is possible to avoid making mistakes when performing real payments.
It is worth noting that the application includes advertisements. Sometimes, when you click on any of its features, you get to see a commercial that lasts from 10 to 30 seconds. Unfortunately, there is no option to hide ads, even for money.
Bank account
Fake Payment allows you to add your bank account and see your current balance. There are also fake numbers, it just gives you a clear picture of how to manage finances and perform payments. Additionally, you can create a PhonePe wallet.
- similar to MobiKwik, this utility is intended towards Indian users;
- provides an option to complete fake transactions;
- money in the utility is only shown in rupee;
- there are ads;
- allows to reset wallet balance;
- app is free to use and download;
- compatible with current Android versions.
My phone fake payment
सिम गुम हो गई है फोन खराब हो गया है जीमेल रिकवर नहीं हो रही है
सिम गुम हो गई है फोन खराब हो गया है जीमेल रिकवर नहीं हो रही है पासवर्ड भूल गए