A verified app


This mobile application is designed for managing fitness smart bracelets. Users can track the number of steps they have taken over a specific period of time.


FunRun is a utility for Android that offers you to connect your device to smart bracelets. There is an option to track the distance covered, the number of steps taken, and calories burned.


This application works as a convenient addition to Smart bracelets for running and walking. Thanks to this utility, you may remotely control the device’s functions. There is an option to set up SMS notifications and receive them on their bracelets. It is possible to turn on the sport or standby mode. Furthermore, the app offers a storage space for collecting data about the user’s activities.

Upon successful synchronization of the smartphone with the bracelet, users can begin monitoring their daily activities. In particular, it is possible to find out how many steps they take each day. Moreover, the app provides statistics with a weekly schedule showing the average and total number of steps.

Health Analysis

You can access your personal data within the app. There is some information about the distance traveled over a certain period and the number of calories burned.

By entering your weight, age, gender, and height users can receive a health report. This section displays cardiopulmonary information, body assessment, and its age.


  • similar to Yoho Sports, this utility provides statistics on the distance traveled and calories burned;
  • requires Bluetooth activation on the mobile device to connect to the bracelets;
  • users can see the number of steps taken per day, week, month, and year;
  • offers sport and standby modes;
  • app is free to download and use;
  • compatible with current Android versions.
Downloads: 325
Size: 37,8 Mb
OS version: Android 4.0
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