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IRIS Connect

IRIS Connect

With this application, teachers can record their lessons and share videos with mentors and colleagues. There is an opportunity to receive feedback and suggestions.


IRIS Connect is an Android application intended for educators. It is possible to capture and share video lessons with colleagues.

Lessons and collaboration

This utility allows educators to record their teaching sessions using their mobile devices. By capturing lessons, users can review their pedagogical methods, self-assess their performance, and identify areas for improvement.

It is possible to annotate videos, highlight specific moments, as well as add comments, tags, or time-stamped notes. This option facilitates collaboration with colleagues and helps professional growth.

Users can choose who they share their recorded videos with. There is an opportunity to show teaching sessions to colleagues, mentors, or coaches for feedback and constructive discussions. It is possible to receive personalized feedback and suggestions.

Plans and analysis

Educators can take part in conversations, analyze teaching strategies, and share insights. This app offers to create professional development plans based on specific needs and goals. Users can identify their strengths and weaknesses as well as areas for growth.


  • is intended for teachers, similar to Kidlink;
  • offers to record lessons and share them with the community;
  • it is possible to get feedback and suggestions;
  • educators can create professional development plans;
  • there is an option to identify strengths and weaknesses;
  • app is free to download and use;
  • compatible with current Android versions.
Размер: 29,4 Mb
Версия ОС: Android 6.0
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Android 7.0

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