iTether is an application for Android with which you can get consultation from therapists. It is possible to set and achieve goals to boost your treatment.
Online therapy
This app is designed for providing various medical services to help patients. There is an option to make video calls with doctors to discuss the treatment and get consultation. iTether allows people to set different goals related to mental health. Users can send and receive messages to inform them about their psychological statement anytime. Moreover, it is possible to check the calendar of meetings to build plans ahead.
You can explore various programs and choose your therapist to start improving your mental health. There is an option to read quotes of famous authors and psychologists to get knowledge and inspiration. In case you need to pass tests or medical examination, you may check the laboratory services and visit one of the hospitals. In addition, iTether sends notifications to remind you about your planned video calls.
Just like in Happify, it is also possible to view the progress of your goals and get extra motivation. If you would like to learn how to control your emotions and behavior, you may go to the My Courses section.
- allows you to get treatment by consulting with therapists;
- there is an option to make video calls and plan online meetings;
- free to download and use;
- contains courses on learning how to control behavior;
- compatible with current Android versions.