Proofreading is an Android application that allows users to enhance their written English. There are grammar and spelling suggestions with simple mistake explanations.
It is possible to efficiently improve your text readability and writing style in the Corrector section. Here you can paste the paragraph and check all grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. There are word choice suggestions and error descriptions.
In addition, users can select contextual synonyms to avoid repetitions and other stylistic mistakes. You can scroll through a list of suggestions in the lower part of the screen.
There is an option to change corrector settings to a different English dialect, including American, British, Canadian, and Australian one.
Translate and dictionary
This app provides translation between over a hundred languages. It is possible to switch the completed text to the Corrector and instantly check the accuracy.
The dictionary tab allows users to find word definitions in plain language. Thus, it is easy to understand the meaning of new expressions.
In case you are looking for a utility that allows listening to the pronunciation of English words and phrases, you can try out the YouGlish app.
- provides tools for boosting your English writing skills;
- it is necessary to purchase a monthly subscription to access the majority of functions;
- there is a dictionary where you can check word definitions;
- app is free to use and download;
- compatible with current Android versions.