Roll20 is an Android application made specifically for tabletop role-playing games enthusiasts. With its help, you can remotely connect and interact with your group.
This mobile companion provides access to essential features for players of tabletop RPGs. It allows you to keep your characters and game tools within reach. The app specifically caters to players of the 5th Edition system. You can view important character details like armor class, feats, and inventory, making it a convenient reference.
During game sessions, Roll20 displays your character’s stats and skills, allowing you to see your abilities in real time. It simplifies resource management by helping you keep track of inspiration and spell slots as well as hit, ki, and sorcery points. Similar to AppZilla vip, the utility can also perform dice roll calculations for ability checks.
In addition, the app includes a comprehensive 5E SRD compendium search feature. It enables you to quickly lookup rules and descriptions. You can find clarification on grappling mechanics or details about a specific spell like a magic missile. This search function ensures you have easy access to the information you need for the games.
- is designed for tabletop role-playing games enthusiasts;
- you can remotely conduct sessions;
- there is a wide range of tools needed for RPGs;
- app is free to download and use;
- compatible with current Android versions.