A verified app
UBS and UBS key4

UBS and UBS key4

With this app you can check the current balance of your bank accounts and transfer money online. There is also an option to pay for electricity, gas and other bills.


UBS and UBS key4 is an Android application that allows you to get banking services and complete payments online. It is possible to receive notifications.


With this utility you can transfer money and check your current balance of bank accounts. There are easy and simple options that help to spend less time on financial processes. As it was mentioned before, you may get notifications from the app so you are informed about transactions and assets.


You can use the options of the application only after registration. In order to create an account, you need to verify your personality by scanning your biometric passport or making a video call. After you sign in, you may see the homepage and convenient navigation bar. There are several sections that allow you to complete banking operations and processes online. It is possible to add your card and transfer money to your friends or family members.

Moreover, you can view the current balance of your bank accounts and pay for your bills. In addition, UBS and UBS key4 notifies you about transactions and other actions with your card.

Unfortunately, the services of this application are available only for users of Switzerland and if you would like to get a similar utility you may download C3Pay.


  • allows to get banking services online;
  • compatible with current Android versions;
  • there is an option of making payments for bills;
  • free to download and use;
  • it is possible to check the current balance of bank accounts.
Downloads: 2
Size: 165 Mb
OS version: 7.0
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