A verified app


This is a simple web-site builder. You have an opportunity to create a simple Internet page, modify the interface and content. There are video tutorials.


Wapka is an Android application belonging to the website builder of the same name. The service offers ready-made templates for creating a functional web page.


The utility gives access to a service with tools for creating websites. It is suitable for launching projects with a small number of pages, such as landings, business cards, or portfolios. The building process is done in a visual editor. The interface is simple and comfortable, suitable for beginners.

Wapka provides access to the editor tools. You can change the design and content of the blocks. It is possible to choose colors and fonts, add effects, buttons as well as links. In short, with the help of the app, you have an opportunity to change the look of the web page.

It is important to remember that mobile software has a few restrictions. It provides a more limited set of tools than the official platform. However, if you need to make the simplest edits, you may do it in a few clicks.

The utility is also suitable for working with content and communication. You have the option to edit texts and reply to messages.

Web designer

As noted above, Wapka is a fairly simple constructor. The official website has training content that will help you quickly master all the features.

If you do not have time to design a website, then you can find a specialist in this area. In the Legiit application, it is possible to find web designers’ portfolios and contact them for details.


  • you can access your own web-page;
  • it is possible to change the interface of the Internet site and its content;
  • simple and user-friendly interface;
  • app is free to download and use;
  • compatible with current versions of Android.
Downloads: 13
Size: 3,3 Mb
OS version: Android 5.0
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