Wuxiaworld is an Android app for Chinese fantasy novels fans. Users can read popular serial fiction in English completely free of charge.
You can look through different novel collections on the Homepage. Here it is possible to find lists of popular, ongoing, and completed series. In addition, you can check out the VIP section for app supporters. One of the premium features is Sneak Peeks of upcoming novels.
After signing in you can get access to the Library tab. There is a bookmark section where you are able to continue reading the novels you started. Moreover, here you may also read all downloaded Ebooks on your device.
The Novels tab allows you to divide stories into Chinese, Completed, Korean, Ongoing, and Original categories. There is also a search bar and other filters.
Each novel page contains three tabs:
- info;
- reviews,
- chapters.
It is possible to read the description, synopsis, and view fanart. You can also check out the reviews and share your opinion about the novel after signing in. Additionally, you may sort the chapters from newest to oldest and vice versa.
There is a convenient reader, where you can adjust the text size and background color. The text-to-speech tool allows you to listen to the series as an audiobook. Here you may select the voice, as well as customize pitch or rate.
If you are looking for another utility for reading novels, comics, and other content, you can try out the Ficool Go app.
- hundreds of Chinese fantastical novels;
- you can read reviews, and comment on stories;
- there are some premium options for VIP members;
- app is free to use and download;
- compatible with current Android versions.