yesHEis is an Android application that helps the Christian community to communicate with friends and relatives about the Bible and Jesus Christ.
The yesHEis team assures users that they understand the daily challenges of Jesus’ followers. That is why this service was created: to help people find a way to share their religious thoughts with unbelievers.
There are many suggestions and guides for building the required confidence in conversations. For example, here you can read some tips on creating your story based on personal experience.
In addition, you may read more about the Gospel and learn how to use this information when talking to people. Furthermore, there is a short quiz you can take in order to understand the key points of the Gospel.
Sharing and praying
The home page of the app contains a feed where users can read, comment, and like posts. There are articles, stories, videos, and statements covering Christian topics.
Pray and Connect section allows creating a list of friends that you are concerned about. This tool helps to set a reminder to pray for certain people regularly.
For those who are interested in listening to a Christian radio station, it is recommended to install a Radio Pulpit app.
- provides with help in Jesus related conversations;
- users can read basic information about the Gospel;
- feed posts about Christianity and actual topics;
- app is free to use and download;
- compatible with current Android versions.