A verified app


This application allows you to install a new lock screen on your smartphone. Additionally, the utility supports displaying pop-up notifications from installed apps.


Floatify is an Android utility that offers you to customize your smartphone’s lock screen. After installing this software, you can set up a unique and distinctive appearance of the mentioned interface element. There is an option to add widgets for weather, time, notifications, and calendar reminders.

Customizable Notifications

Similar to Samsung Good Lock, one of the key features of this utility is customization of pop-up notifications from different apps. You can manage pop-up windows and add certain programs to a blacklist for notification filtering. Floatify supports an automatic unlock function that removes the lock screen when you pick up the phone, utilizing readings from the gyroscope and accelerometer.

Notification Interaction

Whenever you are overwhelmed with numerous notifications, you can utilize quick actions such as instant replies by single tap, double tap, and other physical gestures that facilitate interaction with notifications on the lock screen.


  • allows you to refresh the appearance of your smartphone’s lock screen;
  • supports setting a timeframe during which notifications are disabled;
  • includes a blacklist where you can add unwanted notifications;
  • designed to minimize battery drain on your smartphone;
  • smart unlock mode;
  • the utility does not work on Android versions above 8;
  • you can reply to messages directly from the lock screen;
  • app is free to download and use;
  • compatible with current Android versions.
Downloads: 168
Size: 4 Mb
OS version: Android 4.1
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Always On Edge
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Always On AMOLED
Android 4.4

This application is designed to display the time, date, and alerts on the smartphone’s lock screen. The notification panel can be customized to your preferences.

Android 4.4

This application allows you to replace the standard system themes and icon sets with new ones. Please note that this utility does not support live wallpapers.

Material Notification Shade
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Bling Launcher
Android 4.1

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Launcher iOS 14
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This app allows users to customize their smartphone’s home screen. The utility offers you to add widgets and OS themes that look similar to Apple’s devices.
