A verified app


The mobile application allows you to practice your typing speed. You have an opportunity to adjust the necessary settings to improve your typing skills.


Monkeytype is an Android application that helps you improve your typing skills. The service with different test modes allows you to check your abilities.

Typing tool

This utility is an open-source project. The service suggests looking at words and typing them in the same place. You can take typing tests focusing on time, words, inverted commas, punctuation and numbers.

Monkeytype analyzes your input and displays the results in a graph. There is information about the number of words in a given period of time, accuracy, and type of test. You can view other users’ stats and compare your performance with the top members.

Speed typing is relevant to anyone who works on a computer. Especially for students, teachers and writers who have to write a lot of scientific papers. They can use the skills in Overleaf to create presentations, books or dissertations.

Ability to make changes

As mentioned above, Monkeytype is a customizable application. The service allows you to customize the training process in great detail. In the Preferences section, you can change the behavior, input, sound, caret, appearance and theme.

You can set the text input duration from 15 to 120 seconds. It is possible to print not only random words but also quotes from various sources, movies, books, games and songs.


  • service is designed to test your typing;
  • you can make various changes according to your wishes;
  • there are detailed statistics of your results;
  • app is free to download and use;
  • compatible with current versions of Android.
Downloads: 546
Size: 1 Mb
OS version: Android 4.0
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