Oppo App Market is an official app and game store for Android devices. Here users can download and install various utilities. An automatic update feature is available as well.
The store’s content is sorted into two main tabs — applications and video games. Each of them will offer you featured utilities as well as collections and categories to browse through. The home page contains the most popular and recent releases from both. It is also possible to search for a specific software by the name or keywords.
Every utility has its own page where you can find its description, rating, screenshots and reviews from other users. There is a recommendations list as well. In order to install the app, you need to click the corresponding button at the bottom and wait for the download to complete. It is possible to delete the APK file after the installation.
It is worth noting that the language of the interface is only partially set to English. Large part of the content is in Chinese.
Oppo App Market will automatically detect and update all of your software when new patches are released. You can turn this feature off and do it yourself manually. It is also possible to uninstall utilities and grant permissions right from the app.
- is an official app and game store made by Oppo;
- can be an alternative to Play Store;
- automatically updates your software;
- app is free to use and download;
- compatible with current Android versions.