Download other apps. This section provides a wide range of utilities which cannot be included to a certain category by certain reasons.
It is an app which allows you to manage job shifts and view your schedule. Employees can request vacations. There is an option to mark the beginning and end of work.
The app is intended for clients of a restaurant chain. You can open a card to accumulate and exchange bonuses. It is possible to learn about new promotions.
It is an app which allows you to do accounting. You can manage bank accounts and track expenses. There is an option to attach documents to receipts and reports.
This app allows you to find lost things. You can view the location of trackers on the built-in map. There is an option to synchronize with a smart home.
It is an app which allows you to manage staff and create notes or tasks. You can use analytics tools for financial transactions, accounting and so on.
With the application, you can manage catering services in schools in the UK. It is possible to increase productivity, reduce food costs, and create a menu.
The app was created to search for work in different countries. You can access an extensive job directory. It is also possible to post advertisements yourself.
It is an app which allows you to create your own tokens and trade cryptocurrency, including NFT and EFT. You can invite new users using the referral program.
With the app, employers can view the work and vacation schedules of Morrison supermarkets in Great Britain. There are salary statements and financial statistics.
It is an app which allows you to adjust the equalizer, enable 24-bit audio, activate speech enhancement and so on. You can save your favorite artists and songs.
It is an app which allows you to run different games with changed graphics settings. There is an option to adjust the frame rate from thirty to ninety.
With the utility, you can stream games on your smartphone. It is possible to send invitations to play with your friends. There is support for gamepads.
The app is сreated to display your smartphone screen on your computer. You can play games using your keyboard and mouse. It is also possible to stream.
This app allows you to use various tools to track your activities and health. You can invite friends and compete with them on the number of steps taken.
This app allows you to back up your files, including photos, videos, messages, contacts and so on. You can sync with the cloud for automatic regular transfers.
With this app, you can apply patches to your utilities. It allows to blocking of ads and removal of the license. There are settings to modify your device.
This app allows you to check the identity of people before meeting and chatting. It is possible to identify fakes and scammers. You can report profiles.
An application is created to manage applications and remove ads. There are patches to fix bugs and improve the functionality of programs. You can change permissions.
It is an app which allows you to collect data electronically in the presence of a poor network connection. You can use automatic editing to avoid errors.
The app is designed to customize and manage installed programs without rooting. It is possible to modify files, edit package names, create signatures, and more.
The app provides access to a library of Japanese-style pictures and articles. You can sort content by different parameters, including category, date and so on.
It is an app which allows you to join online meetings. You can also share your screen for presentations, send documents, view your calendar and so on.
It is an app which allows you to participate in online meetings. You can add users to contacts. There is an option to share your screen for presentations.
The app is developed for exchanging emails. There is an option to send messages, share various files, browse content without downloading, sort folders and so on.
This app allows you to write and receive emails. You can block unwanted senders. It is also possible to translate messages into the required language.
With this app you can create your home or office design and export your projects to your phone storage. It is possible to draw the plot of houses in 2D or 3D.
This app allows you to check the meteorological conditions in real time online. There is an integrated map which displays the precipitation with details.