A verified app
Bitcoin Loophole

Bitcoin Loophole

The app is designed for people who sell and buy cryptocurrencies. There is also an option to open a demo account to test the performance of the utility.


Bitcoin Loophole is an application for Android that allows you to trade cryptocurrencies. It is possible to deposit money via MasterCard, Visa and American Express.

Basic information

With this app you can sell and buy digital assets to make profit. There is an automated system that you may use to trade based on coded algorithms. However, Bitcoin Loophole has a manual mode that allows investors to actively perform trading actions. In addition, the utility is absolutely free and does not charge for the registration and trading.


You can trade multiple cryptos on Bitcoin Loophole such as:

  • Ethereum;
  • Litecoin;
  • Monero;
  • Bitcoin Cash and Dash;
  • and others.

It is also possible to sell and buy fiat currencies such as the US dollar, the euro and more. There is an easy and simple registration procedure so you may easily create your account and start trading. What makes this application more convenient and beneficial is that the partner brokers of Bitcoin Loophole accept deposits as low as 250 US dollars.

In addition, you can create a demo account to check the performance of the utility before you commit funds. However, it is recommended to protect your trading funds and personal information by completing the verification process.


  • allows to trade crypto and fiat currencies;
  • just like in MoonPay, there is an option to deposit money via MasterCard and Visa;
  • free to download and use;
  • guarantees safety and security of personal information and funds;
  • compatible with current Android versions.
Downloads: 4
Size: 16 Mb
OS version: 5.0
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